020 7650 1200

Kenyan clients outside the High Court


Leigh Day represents people from around the world in fighting for their rights against corporations and governments. We have secured justice for tens of thousands of women, men and children.

Whether our clients are based in the remote reaches of the highlands of Peru, the wetlands of the Niger Delta, or right here in the United Kingdom, we represent our clients with skill, passion and integrity. We look for innovative ways to ensure legal accountability. Our ground-breaking cases have set precedents in English law that are referred to in courts around the world.

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Case Study
Boat Bodo Creek Feb 2014
Corporate accountability Environment Shell Nigeria Pollution

Shell - Bodo

Leigh Day took the case of the Bodo villagers to the High Court in London, four months before the case was due to go to trial, Shell agreed a landmark settlement for £55 million

Case Study
Kenyan clients outside the High Court
International Human rights Torture

The Mau Mau claims

Leigh Day acted on behalf of 5,000 Kenyan nationals who were subjected to torture and other forms of ill-treatment at the hands of the British colonial administration during the Kenya Emergency in the 1950s.

Case Study
Silicosis Settlement
International Corporate accountability Industrial disease Silicosis

Anglo American - Silicosis

In landmark cases pursued in South Africa, Leigh Day worked with South African lawyers for 4,388 former miners against Anglo American South Africa Ltd and AngloGold Ashanti

Our work has included

In addition to much-needed compensation from successful litigation, an important outcome for our clients has often been the disclosure into the public domain of closely-guarded information held by corporate and government defendants. Claimants have also been able to secure concessions and apologies from defendants who had, until litigation was pursued, denied even the existence of the wrongs suffered.

  • Developing the case law that led to multinational parent companies being found to have a duty of care to those affected by their subsidiaries;
  • Establishing England and Wales as an appropriate jurisdiction for foreign nationals to sue multinational companies for the harm occurring overseas;
  • Ensuring that in cases alleging torture by other States, the British Government has not been able to avoid liability by relying on State Immunity or the Foreign Act of State doctrine; and
  • Confirming that minimum standards of protection must be maintained by the British armed forces when individuals are captured during military operations abroad.
Kenyan clients outside the High Court

In taking on these cases, we seek to balance the scales in favour of the exploited, the injured and the dispossessed against well-resourced powerful entities, whether they are well-known British-based multinationals or the British Government.

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