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2024 blogs

Leigh Day blogs 2024

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Blog Post
Industrial disease Silicosis Personal injury

Engineered stone and the rise of silicosis diagnoses

Ewan Tant, Partner, and Andrew Cooper, Senior Associate, explain what silicosis is and the dangers posed by engineered stone.

Blog Post
Mining Dusk Mine Shaft
Human rights International Africa

Human rights and the ‘just transition’ in the new scramble for Africa

Walker Syachalinga examines how indigenous people’s rights and land can be protected in the race for Africa’s critical minerals.

Blog Post
Hospital maternity sign
Medical negligence Birth injury Maternity

CQC reports racial inequality in maternity care

In an article published in the Guardian it was reported that black mothers’ maternity care is almost twice as likely to be investigated for safety failings.

Blog Post
Mother And Baby
Medical negligence

Birth Trauma Inquiry Report finds a pattern of poor maternity care across the UK

Following the publication of the Birth Trauma Inquiry report, Sanja Strkljevic, Partner and Lily Hartley-Matthews, Trainee Solicitor reflect on two of the report’s key themes: a failure to listen and a lack of consenting in maternity services

Blog Post
Gettyimages 1458508699

Cycling abroad: preparing for your trip and understanding what to do in the event of an accident

Blog Post
Blurry hospital corridor
Medical negligence Pregnancy Group B Strep

The importance of documenting Group B Streptococcus in a pregnant woman’s medical notes

Leigh Day lawyers Emmalene Bushnell and Kriya Hurley, who act for mothers in claims arising out of Group B Streptococcus affecting both mothers and babies, explain the importance of making a clear note of the presence of Group B Streptococcus in pregnant women

Blog Post
Personal injury Asbestos and mesothelioma

Action Mesothelioma Day 2024

Today, is Action Mesothelioma Day, a day for remembrance for those who have been affected by mesothelioma and to raise awareness for future generations of the dangers of asbestos. 

Blog Post
Sewage Into River
Environment Sewage Pollution

UK Supreme Court holds that water companies can be liable for sewage pollution of UK waters

Leigh Day environmental private law partner Oliver Holland and associates Celine O’Donovan and Benji Gourgey on the Supreme Court’s judgment on the liability of water companies for discharging sewage, and the wider impact of the decision on the environmental issues facing the UK.

Blog Post
Mother And Baby
Medical negligence

I have been offered a birth debrief – what does this mean?

Helen Stanley, midwife, explains the process and how to get the best out of communication after traumatic birth, known as a birth or postnatal debrief, birth reflection or birth afterthoughts.

Blog Post
Trees from above
International Environment Corporate sustainability

EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

Sandra Boye-Clarkson, Hatice Cobanoglu and Richard Meeran consider the latest European directive on mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence for companies.

Blog Post
Man With Bikes 214752480
Cycling Cycling claims Personal injury

Cycling law and the truth: answering six common cycling questions

Blog Post
Polar Bear
International Environment Climate change

What does the Senior Women for Climate Protection Switzerland ruling mean for the UK?

Sakshi Rai and Meg Abbott explore the European Court of Human Rights’ landmark finding that the Swiss state had an obligation to have acted to mitigate the effects of climate change. They explore why the ruling is significant for climate change litigation, and what the implications of the ruling are for the UK.