2018 Blogs
12 of 35 items displayed

Stereotypes and Unconscious Bias
Employment lawyer Roshan Croker discusses the unconscious racial biases which plague society and what lawyers need to do to overcome stereotypes

Without abortion reform, women in Northern Ireland will continue to be denied basic reproductive rights
Medical negligence solicitor Fiona Huddleston looks forward to changes in the law governing reproductive rights in Northern Ireland in 2019

Duce and informed consent
Medical negligence solicitor Matthew Westlake looks at a recent case on informed consent
The ghost of Winterbourne past
Abuse solicitor Cat Rubens says too many adults with learning disabilities will spend another Christmas in inpatient units

What happened to Boots Smooth Care Hair Lightening Cream?
Boots Smooth Care hair lightening cream has been used and recommended for years by women with sensitive skin, so why has the company removed the product from their shelves and website without issuing a product recall?

But why is that racist? The distraction of explaining
Discrimination lawyer Kiran Daurka explores the frustration around the constant questioning of racist incidents

International Perspectives from the UN to Uganda
Human rights solicitor Zoe Johannes reports on the inaugural event held by the Leigh Day LGBT+ & Allies Network

Tell me why.....
Solicitor Paula Lee was recently asked why I work in the equal pay arena and it got her thinking 'why is there still a problem'?

The 'Big Four': are their liabilities greater than their assets?
Paul Dowling discusses the dominance of the 'Big 4' accountancy firms and whether their role within powerful companies is healthy or should more be done to prevent abuse within the global corporate culture.

Positive steps forward in the fight against international abuse
Rebekah Read and Katharina Theil from the international department discuss the recent announcement of a new global sex offender register to help in the fight against international abuse.

It is Equal Pay Day on 10 November
10 November is almost upon us again, a date that should be firmly etched in the minds of all women in Great Britain. After this date, women are effectively working for free for the rest of this year based on how much they earn on average when compared to men. It is an unfortunate symbol of the continuing inequality in our society and is a date that one day will hopefully become a thing of the past.