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Stade de France

UEFA argue Stade de France group claim should not be decided in Liverpool court

The law firm representing football fans in claims against UEFA following the “chaos” that unfolded at the 2022 Champions League Final has received an application by the association arguing that the High Court in Liverpool should not hear the claims.

Posted on 16 January 2024

Leigh Day is contesting the application, which argues that it would not be suitable for any court in England to hear the claims, with the lawyers representing fans saying they remain confident that the High Court in Liverpool is the appropriate court for claims to be heard.

UEFA argues that the court will have to decide on the lawfulness of actions or failings of the French State regarding matters which occurred in France. The association has referenced the responsibilities and shortcomings of organisations such as the French Football Association, the French Ministry and the Prefecture de Police in its application.

This is despite UEFA’s independent review concluding the association bears “primary responsibility” for the catastrophic organisational and safety failures that occurred at the Stade de France.

Those who attended the 2022 Champions League Final at the Stade de France on 28 May 2022 faced disorder before and after the match against Real Madrid. Leigh Day is bringing more than 1,100 claims on the basis that UEFA failed to ensure a safe and secure environment for those attending and could owe a legal liability to those who suffered physical and/or psychological injuries.

The High Court in Liverpool will decide on UEFA’s application.

In a joint statement, Clare Campbell and Jill Paterson, the partners at Leigh Day leading on the claims, said:

“To say that the events that unfolded at the Stade de France on 28 May 2022 were chaotic would be an understatement. For UEFA to try and deflect away from the key role we believe it played in the organisational and safety failings is hugely disappointing. 

“Thousands of supporters were left injured and traumatised and, even now, 20 months on from that fateful day, many of those impacted continue to deal with the repercussions.  

“It is our firm belief that High Court in Liverpool is the appropriate court to decide upon matters that are so important a large number of Liverpool FC fans and we will continue to fight for their claims to be heard by the English court system.”

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Stade De France
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