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UK High Court injunction: Ruling against Brazil Iron

The High Court today ruled in favour of 80 residents from two quilombola indigenous communities who alleged that the UK registered mining companies Brazil Iron Limited and Brazil Iron Trading Limited had not complied with an injunction granted on 19 October 2023 to prevent harassment and intimidation of the claimants.

Posted on 20 November 2023

At that previous hearing, the claimants alleged that two Brazil Iron employees tried to coerce them into abandoning their claims.

At the hearing today, the claimants alleged that letters sent directly to them, and not via their lawyers, after 3 November, contravened the terms of the injunction.

Brazil Iron dispute that they have harassed or intimidated the claimants or that they had contravened the injunction. However, the court ruled that the letter that was sent to the claimants was “plainly one to which the order applied” and ordered the Defendants to pay the claimants’ legal costs.

The claimants live in close proximity to the Fazenda Mocó iron ore mine in Bahia, Brazil, which is operated by the Brazilian subsidiary of the Defendant companies, Brazil Iron Mineração Limitada (BIML).

The claimants allege that the operations of the mine have caused environmental damage to their land, crops and water sources, physical damage to their properties, and that they have suffered disturbance from noise pollution and dust, including physical and psychological injuries. It is also alleged that by diverting a stream, the mine has deprived members of the community of water vital for irrigation of their crops.

Brazil Iron has conducted mining operations at the site since December 2011. During that time it has repeatedly exceeded the terms of the environmental authorisations under which it was permitted to conduct experimental mining, leading the environmental regulator to suspend mining activity in April 2022.

The Secretariat of Health for the State of Bahia inspected the area in early 2021 and confirmed that due to the mining operations, the two communities were at risk of physical and mental illness and the drinking water in the area is not fit for human consumption.

The claimants are represented by Richard Meeran, head of the international department and Jonny Buckley, senior associate at Leigh Day.

Richard Meeran said:

“We are determined that our clients should secure redress for the negative impact that the operations of the mine have caused to their health, environment and quality of life. We are grateful for the Court’s protection of their path to access to justice."

Liminar do Tribunal Superior do Reino Unido: tribunal julga contra a Brazil Iron

20 de Novembro de 2023

O Tribunal Superior decidiu hoje a favor de 80 moradores de duas comunidades quilombolas que alegaram que as empresas de mineração registradas no Reino Unido Brazil Iron Limited e Brazil Iron Trading Limited (“os Réus”) descumpriram a liminar concedida em 19 de outubro de 2023 para impedir o assédio e a intimidação dos mesmos. Naquela audiência, os moradores alegaram que dois funcionários da Brazil Iron tentaram coagi-los a abandonar suas ações.

Na audiência de hoje, os autores alegaram que os réus violaram os termos da liminar ao enviar cartas diretamente aos moradores, após 3 de novembro de 2023, e não por meio de seus advogados.

A Brazil Iron contesta que tenha assediado ou intimidado os autores ou que tenha violado a liminar. No entanto, o Tribunal decidiu que a carta enviada aos moradores era “claramente uma à qual a ordem se aplicava” e ordenou que os réus pagassem os custos legais dos Autores.

Os autores moram nas proximidades da mina de minério de ferro Fazenda Mocó, situada no estado da Bahia, Brasil, que é operada pela subsidiária brasileira das empresas rés, a Brazil Iron Mineração Limitada (“BIML”). Os autores alegam que as operações da mina causaram danos ambientais às suas terras, plantações e fontes de água, danos estruturais em suas casas, bem como físicos e psicológicos para os próprios moradores decorrentes da poluição sonora e da poeira. Alega-se também que, ao desviar um córrego, a mina privou os membros da comunidade de água essencial para a irrigação de suas plantações.

A BIML tem conduzido operações de mineração no local desde dezembro de 2011. Durante esse período, a empresa violou repetidamente os termos das autorizações ambientais sob as quais foi autorizada a conduzir a mineração experimental, levando o órgão regulador ambiental nacional INEMA a suspender a atividade de mineração em abril de 2022.

A Secretaria de Saúde do Estado da Bahia inspecionou a área no início de 2021 e confirmou que, devido às operações de mineração, as duas comunidades estavam sob risco de doenças físicas e mentais e a água potável na área não é adequada para consumo humano.

Os autores são representados por Richard Meeran, chefe do departamento internacional, e Jonny Buckley, associado sênior do escritório de advocacia Leigh Day.

Richard Meeran declara:

"Estamos determinados a garantir que nossos clientes sejam compensados pelo impacto negativo que as operações da mina causaram em sua saúde, meio ambiente e qualidade de vida. Somos gratos pela proteção do Tribunal na sua luta pelo direito de acesso à justiça".

Richard Meeran Square

Richard Meeran

Richard is co-head of the firm's International and Group Litigation Department

Jonny Buckley 2024
Corporate accountability

Jonny Buckley

Jonny Buckley is a senior associate solicitor in the international department.

News Article
High Court London
Brazil International

Temporary injunction granted to halt alleged intimidation of quilombola indigenous communities impacted by iron ore mine pollution in Bahia, Brazil

The High Court today granted a temporary injunction in favour of 80 residents from two quilombola indigenous communities in Brazil to halt alleged intimidation and harassment by the wholly-owned Brazilian subsidiary of UK registered mining companies Brazil Iron Limited (BIL) and Brazil Iron Trading Limited (BITL).