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Client stories

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Client Story
Human rights abuses Department Of Work And Pensions Disability

Human rights - Jodey's story

Jodey took her own life after her benefits were unfairly stopped. Jodey's mother, Joy turned to Leigh Day.

Client Story
Abdul 1.13.1
Human rights abuses

Human rights - Abdul's story

Abdul Eneser is a blind man who fell on to tracks at a Manchester Piccadilly train station after being let down by Passenger Assist. There was no tactile paving at the platform edge.

Client Story
Don 2.1.1
Human rights Windrush

Human rights - Don's story

Don Biggs' story is one example of the life-changing injustices faced by the Windrush generation.

Client Story
Jayson 2.1.1 (1)
Disability Human rights

Human rights - Jacqueline's story

Jayson and his wife, Jacqueline faced significant challenges after the introduction of the bedroom tax.

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Client Story

Personal Injury claim - Rob's story

Client Story
Talcum Powder Bottle
Industrial injury Asbestos Cosmetics

Hannah Fletcher: exposing asbestos in cosmetics and talc

Hannah Fletcher was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma at the age of 41. This is a cancer caused by asbestos exposure.

Client Story
Asbestos and mesothelioma Personal injury

Handyman receives compensation within three months

Client Story
Personal injury Asbestos and mesothelioma

Compensation for a former draftsman from Kendal

Client Story
Personal injury Asbestos and mesothelioma

Environmental exposure from Cape Asbestos factory in Barking

Client Story
Nathan's Story SCI
Spinal injury Personal injury

Nathan’s Story: Spinal Cord Injury