Human rights, Don's story, Windrush generation, right to stay
Don Biggs' story is one example of the life-changing injustices faced by the Windrush generation.
Born in Jamaica, Don moved to the UK at a young age with his family. Despite growing up here and considering the UK his home, he faced the trauma of losing his right to stay and work in this country.
Leigh Day supported Don in seeking justice for his mistreatment. We have been actively involved in helping members of the Windrush generation fight for their rights and seek redress since 2018.
The Windrush Scandal first came to the public's attention in 2017, as it emerged that thousands of people had been denied their legal rights and forced into crisis because they were unable to prove their right to live the UK, through no fault of their own.
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Human rights - Abdul's story
Abdul Eneser is a blind man who fell on to tracks at a Manchester Piccadilly train station after being let down by Passenger Assist. There was no tactile paving at the platform edge.