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Five-figure compensation for delay to cancer treatment by Barnet Hospital

The widow of an 82-year-old man has settled her medical negligence case

Posted on 17 April 2019

The widow of an 82 year old man, known only as Mr R to protect his identity, who died as a result of the delay in treating his bladder cancer by Barnet Hospital, has received a sum of compensation.

Mrs R instructed medical negligence lawyer Kirsten Wall to bring a claim against the hospital.

Mr R underwent a flexible cystoscopy which confirmed the presence of a tumour in his bladder.  He then underwent a transurethral resection of bladder tumour (TURBT) which confirmed the presence of a large cancer in his bladder extending into the bladder wall.  

Despite the clear need to start treatment, there were numerous delays in planning Mr R’s treatment.  After waiting for five months, his wife wrote a letter to chase up the hospital.  

Following the delay it became too late for Mr R to undergo treatment.  He died a month after his wife had been forced to ask the hospital why there were continuing delays to her husband’s life-saving treatment.

The hospital made an early admission of liability for their failings and a five-figure award of damages was paid to Mrs R.

Kirsten Wall, medical negligence solicitor at Leigh Day, said:

“The compensation awarded to Mrs R reflects the poor standard of care that her late husband received from Barnet Hospital. I am pleased that the hospital admitted early on in the legal process that it had failed, and hope that lessons will be learned from this case.”