Compensation secured for injured Swansea cyclist
A British Cycling Member has successfully recovered damages in relation to a road traffic collision as she was cycling in Swansea
Posted on 20 November 2019
At the time of the accident, Marianne* was a keen cyclist who enjoyed going on camping and cycle touring holidays. She had recently qualified as a champion and first aider for Breeze, an initiative organised by British Cycling to encourage women to get involved in cycling.
Marianne was cycling in her local area when a driver turned right across her path and right of road.
As a result of the impact Marianne sustained serious injuries down the right hand side of her body, which included a fractured pelvis and sacrum, a broken collar bone and two broken ribs.
The driver’s insurer admitted liability for the collision and early interim payments were obtained and rehabilitation and treatment were arranged to maximise Marianne’s recovery; with instruction of a Case Manager and funding secured for private physiotherapy and counselling.
Marianne received compensation for her injuries and the damage to her bicycle.
Marianne is continuing her rehabilitation and has returned to cycling.
Marianne said:
“Although my shoulder is still in quite a lot of pain, I have been incredibly lucky in the recovery I have made, much of which has been due to the care of the NHS, the support of my case managers, physiotherapist and my solicitors at Leigh Day.”
Marianne was represented by Bethany Sanders, associate solicitor, in Leigh Day’s personal injury department, assisted by Katherine Wilkinson, assistant solicitor. Her claim was supported and funded by British Cycling.
Bethany said:
“Marianne was fit and active prior to the accident and enjoyed cycling regularly. We are pleased to have been able to secure compensation to help her continue her rehabilitation and day to day life, and get back on her bike and cycling again.”
*Not her real name