Current cases

Vehicle Emissions
Is your car doing more damage to the environment than you think? Uncover the truth about your car’s emissions. Don’t let them get away with it.

Woodford/Link group claim
Find out more information on our group claim against Link on behalf of 12,500 investors in the Woodford Equity Income Fund.
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Vehicle emissions claims
Leigh Day currently represents over 280,000 people in exhaust emissions claims against motor manufacturers.

Anglo American - Silicosis
In landmark cases pursued in South Africa, Leigh Day worked with South African lawyers for 4,388 former miners against Anglo American South Africa Ltd and AngloGold Ashanti

The Mau Mau claims
Leigh Day acted on behalf of 5,000 Kenyan nationals who were subjected to torture and other forms of ill-treatment at the hands of the British colonial administration during the Kenya Emergency in the 1950s.