Cosmetic products and treatments
Call us today to discuss your cosmetic product claim on 0207 650 1373
The specialist product safety and consumer law team at Leigh Day is at the forefront of consumer safety and the cosmetic industry is no exception.
The team has a wealth of experience in representing consumers who have suffered a range of injuries including facial disfigurement, burns, rashes, anaphylactic shock, eye injuries and long term skin conditions due to their exposure to harmful ingredients in every day products or as a consequence of professional cosmetic/beauty treatments. The consequence of these injuries can be devastating causing both physical and psychological harm.
Our unparalleled experience includes securing compensation for a range of individuals who have suffered skin burns following the use of a deodorants, sun creams and everyday skin care products. We have also obtained significant damages for individuals who have suffered a severe anaphylactic reaction following the use of hair dye products and those who have suffered damage to their hair following the use of hair styling products.
Beauty treatment laser burns
If you have sustained burn injuries due to laser beauty treatments you may be eligible for a claim.
Recent successes
Compensation for facial injury
£34,000 damages secured for facial scarring following a HIFU laser treatment.
Compensation after anaphylactic shock
Damages for young client admitted to hospital following a severe anaphylactic shock after a salon failed to conduct a patch test prior to dying her hair.
Damages for contact dermatitis
Compensation for client who suffered from contact dermatitis following an LED facial at a salon.
Cosmetic treatment claims
Our cosmetic treatment team has a wealth of experience in assisting individuals harmed by undergoing professional cosmetic treatments and procedures.
If you have had cosmetic treatment at a beauty salon or cosmetic clinic and the procedure went wrong, our team is here to help you make a compensation claim.
The types of compensation claims we can help you with include:
- You were not provided with enough information about the risks of your procedure
- Your treatment was not performed to the expected standard and something went wrong
- Where you think a defective product may have been used in the course of the treatment
We understand that that where things go wrong, the consequences can be devastating, causing both physical and psychological suffering. By making a cosmetic treatment compensation claim, we can help you get the funds you may need to fund any corrective treatments.
Cosmetic product claims
We are at the forefront of consumer safety and whilst by law manufacturers must put their products through rigorous testing to ensure they comply with stringent safety regulations prior to releasing a product to market, occasionally things do go wrong. Where that happens, the Leigh Day cosmetic safety team is here to help.
The team has a track record in pursuing successful claims against various global cosmetic manufacturers. Our unparalleled experience includes securing compensation for a range of individuals who have suffered skin burns following the use of a deodorants, sun creams and everyday skin care products. We have also obtained significant damages for individuals who have suffered severe anaphylactic reactions following the use of hair dye products and those who have suffered damage to their hair following the use of hair styling products.
We understand how important it is to ensure our clients get the compensation they deserve to get any corrective treatment they may require.
Read to talk? Call us now to find out more about how we can help you on a completely no-obligation basis and in strict confidence, call us on 0207 650 1373 or email Tina Patel for more information.
Get help today
Call Tina Patel on 0207 650 1373 or fill in our short form
What our clients say
I chose Leigh Day due to the nature of my person injury, being quite a niche beauty treatment. I received damages in the higher bracket of my injury and the case is closed in under 1 year! I am over the moon. Thank you Irene & Tina!"
Client of Leigh Day
News and blogs

What is the true cost of the ‘perfect’ smile?
As National Smile Month begins, Leigh Day product safety partner Tina Patel and associate solicitor Jennifer Ellis explore the rise in the use of DIY cosmetic dental kits, and the potential risks of favouring these over professional orthodontic treatment.

MPs call for tighter regulations of non-surgical cosmetic procedures due to botched treatments
A rise in complications caused by unlicensed practitioners performing beauty treatments has highlighted the need for improved regulations in the industry, the BBC reports.

Dermatologists warn of ‘life-changing’ allergies triggered by gel polishes leaking into skin
Experts have recently warned of a rise in the number of people developing allergies triggered by chemicals in gel polishes, which could prevent them from having certain operations such as cataracts, dental work, and joint replacements.
Read our top tips on cosmetic safety
Cosmetic safety campaigning
The team at Leigh Day continue to raise awareness of the importance of regulation of the cosmetic industry to ensure that products placed on the market are safe for use and have adequate labelling before being sold to the public.
The cosmetic and beauty industry is a multi-billion-pound industry and in the UK is showing year on year growth. It is a consumer driven market which continues to innovate and develop new products and cosmetic treatments to meet demand. Whilst most manufacturers and beauty treatment providers comply with the law to ensure products and treatments are safe, occasionally things go wrong and in those circumstances we are here to help.
Key stages of a personal injury claim
We recommend you seek medical attention for any injures you have sustained. Your injuries may disrupt your life temporarily or have a long-term impact on you and your family.
An inquest happens when a coroner decides to investigate the circumstances of a death to determine how the person died before registering the death. The cosmetic product safety team has extensive experience in representing families at inquests.
You may not have considered making a claim but speaking to a specialist injury lawyer as soon as you are able to will ensure that we can help you rebuild your life as quickly as possible.
We’ll be with you every step of the way.
We aim to secure interim payments so treatments and therapies can begin as soon as possible. They may also cover loss of earnings or other financial expenses you incur.
We’ll gather evidence from medical records, witness statements and experts so
We can fight your corner and ensure you receive justice and appropriate compensation as quickly as possible.
Most cases are settled well before court proceedings are necessary. If it can’t be avoided, we will advise you, explain all the risks and we’ll be behind you to support you through it.
How your claim can be funded
There are many ways to pay for a claim and these are just some of the options.
These are complicated agreements and your solicitor must explain the terms carefully to you. They are often called "No Win, No Fee" agreements but also include agreements under which you pay capped or discounted costs in any event with full costs being charged in the event that you win. If you do win your case most of the costs can be recovered from your opponent. If you lose your case you are only liable for your own legal costs to the limited extent agreed, as long as you keep to the terms of our agreement.
If you win your case the law does allow us to charge an additional "success fee" calculated as a percentage of the basic costs. This “success fee” is not recoverable from your opponent and if we are charging a ‘success fee’ you will have to meet it from your own pocket or from damages. There are regulations in place which limit the maximum amount of success fee that can be charged.
In some circumstances, if you lose you may be liable to pay your opponent's legal costs, but it may also be possible to buy insurance to protect against this risk.
We will carefully advise you about funding in your case and if we enter a CFA with you, we will advise you at the outset about anything you may have to pay.
Some trade unions have a legal advice and assistance scheme which allows you to obtain advice from an approved solicitor. If you are a member of a trade union, you will probably be entitled to a free initial interview to decide whether you have a case which is likely to succeed. Your union may then fund the whole of the case for you and there will be no risk that you will have to pay the costs.
Sometimes the union will act as insurance if your case is not successful. Usually, this method of funding means that the claimant gets all of their compensation at the end of the case and has no risks of paying the legal costs. Some Unions even have schemes to pay for cases brought by your children or spouse.
This kind of insurance policy is purchased before the accident happens and is usually attached to other insurance policies such as household, travel or motor insurance, for a small annual fee. Sometimes insurance is attached to credit card agreements, or as a benefit attached to bank accounts. Similar to legal aid, this policy will cover costs in the event of a case losing but it does not cover all the costs of the claim if the case is successful. You need to tell your solicitor about any possibility that you may already have insurance.
This is the most straightforward method of funding legal action but also the least popular. The lawyer undertakes the work, the client pays and if we win the case, the lawyer will try to recover the costs from the defendants. Unfortunately if we lose the case the client is also responsible for paying the costs of the defendants. This form of funding is unpopular because the client takes all of the risk of the case losing and of paying the other side’s costs. They also have to find a substantial amount of money up front to fund the expenses of the claim.