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Morrisons workers overcome latest hurdle in battle for equal pay

Morrisons shop workers fighting for equal pay have overcome another step in their legal process following a judgment handed down by the Employment Tribunal.

Posted on 17 January 2025

The mainly female shop workers are claiming equal pay for work of equal value when compared to predominantly male employees who work in Morrisons’ distribution centres. 

The last of three Stage 2 Equal Value hearings in relation to job descriptions was held at Leeds Employment Tribunal over several dates in November and December 2024. The purpose of the hearing was to decide which information will be included in the job descriptions of four female shop workers, and one male comparator working in one of the distribution centres.

The job descriptions finalised in this most recent judgment form part of a larger number of roles being assessed which includes seven claimant roles and six comparators. 

It is these detailed documents that independent experts will use to carry out a scoring exercise for the retail and distribution roles which the tribunal will consider as part of their decision as to whether the hourly paid retail store roles are of equal value to the hourly paid distribution centre roles. 

The job descriptions of the female workers are representative of a large number of claimants in the same roles who form part of the total group of over 7,500 shop workers represented by Leigh Day. 

The Equality Act 2010 says that even if work is not alike and not rated as equivalent, it can be equal in terms of the demands made, looking at things like effort, skill and decision-making. The Morrisons claimants achieved a more favourable outcome on some of the most important aspects of the job roles, such as the use of customer service, judgement and experience in their roles. 

The independent experts will now examine how the jobs compare in terms of elements such as knowledge, experience, responsibility for planning, maintaining stocks, looking after finance, health and safety, data handling, the need for concentration, the stress of the job, problem solving, communication, physical skills and working conditions. Now that the Stage 2 Equal Value hearings have concluded, the independent experts will compile their report with their scoring of the roles. 

Emma Satyamurti, partner and joint head of employment, said: 

“The latest judgment represents a critical step forward in the journey toward pay equality for Morrisons shop workers. It underscores the commitment of our clients to having their contributions properly valued, particularly when compared to their counterparts in distribution roles. 

“Ensuring that the job descriptions are comprehensive and accurate is a pivotal part of the equal pay process. This will provide the independent experts with the tools they need to make a robust assessment of the roles, examining key factors such as responsibility, skill, and working conditions. 

“Our clients can take great pride in achieving a favourable outcome on crucial aspects of the roles under scrutiny. This decision brings them one step closer to achieving the recognition and fairness they deserve for the vital work they do. We remain steadfast in our commitment to supporting them through every stage of this landmark case.” 

Find a timeline of the case here.

Emma Satyamurti
Employment Equal pay Group claims

Emma Satyamurti

Emma is a leading employment and discrimination lawyer. She is co-head of the employment department, alongside Nigel MacKay

Client Story
Employment Equal pay Equal Pay Now

Morrisons equal pay - Sue’s story

Sue from Staffordshire has been working at Morrisons for nearly 18 years. She told us that she loves her job and working with people, describing a deep sense of community at the store.

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