Witness appeal for information about alleged abuse in British Gymnastics
Abuse claims partner Dino Nocivelli is investigating claims relating to alleged abuse in British Gymnastics.
Posted on 03 June 2024
His investigation follows media reports of alleged “daily humiliation” by a former GB coach, Craig Lowther, who denies the allegations.
Dino Nocivelli represents a gymnast who claims to have experienced verbal abuse, homophobic abuse, and body shaming.
His investigation also relates to claims reported by a client against Ian Matthews, who was expelled from British Gymnastics in 2014. As far as Dino is aware, Ian Matthews has not commented publicly on the matter.
Human rights team partner Dino Nocivelli said:
“I encourage anyone who may have relevant information or evidence of bullying or abuse at British Gymnastics to contact me. I am particularly interested in receiving information on behalf of my existing clients for alleged abuse by Craig Lowther and Ian Matthews.”
If any witnesses or former gymnasts have information about abuse or bullying at British Gymnastics or at a gymnastics club that may assist Leigh Day with their investigation, they can contact Dino Nocivelli on dnocivelli@leighday.co.uk