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Five-figure settlement for survivor of abuse at Royal Alexandra and Albert School

A survivor of abuse by the former housemaster and English teacher Philip Batten has settled his civil claim against Royal Alexandra and Albert School (in Reigate) and Surrey County Council for £50,000.

Posted on 24 July 2024

Whilst a pupil at the boarding school in the 1980s, the survivor, who is a client with Leigh Day, was sexually assaulted by Batten who was his English teacher employed in this role by Surrey County Council. Batten was also a housemaster at the school, although not the client’s housemaster.

Batten was first convicted for sexually abusing children in or around 1989 when the client’s complaint was taken into consideration. However, the client did not become aware of this until it was disclosed during his own civil case.

Batten was later given a three-year prison sentence for further child abuse offences in or around 1998. In 2016, he was sentenced to 17 years’ imprisonment after a jury returned 14 unanimous guilty verdicts for charges ranging from serious sexual assaults to incidents of child cruelty.

The client turned to law firm Leigh Day to investigate a civil claim against the boarding school and Surrey County Council. The claim recently settled for £50,000.

Alison Millar, head of Leigh Day’s abuse team, said:

“This is another case arising from Philip Batten’s prolific and longstanding abuse of children at Royal Alexandra and Albert School. Serious questions remain unanswered by the school about how Batten, and others, were able to abuse children unfettered at the school for so long. We must hope that the school has learnt from the survivors’ stories and now has robust safeguarding processes in place.

“The substantial settlement in this case reflects the ongoing psychological harm our client has suffered as a result of the abuse. I am pleased to have been able to reach a successful outcome for our client and I hope the compensation will help him to find closure.” 

Alison Millar
Abuse claims Human rights

Alison Millar

Alison Millar works in the human rights department at Leigh Day, where she is the head of abuse claims

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