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Old Bailey

First day of evidence heard at the inquest into the death of Sabina Rizvi

The first day of evidence was heard at the inquest into the death of Sabina Rizvi on Monday 4 March at the Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey, London.

Posted on 04 March 2024

Sabina was murdered outside Bexleyheath police station in 2003 aged 25. Paul Asbury was convicted of her murder in 2004, but several others believed to have been involved have not been convicted. 


Sabina Rizvi

Since Sabina’s death, the Rizvi family from Merton in London, have been fighting for a full inquest in order to fully establish the role played by the police in the circumstances surrounding her death.

Speaking outside the Old Bailey on Monday 4 March, Sabina’s mother, Mrs Iffat Rizvi said:

“After waiting nearly 21 years since Sabina’s murder, our family is greatly relieved that the inquest into her death is finally getting underway today. The fight to get a full inquest to establish what really happened that terrible night has been long and hard, and we have endured much grief and pain along the way. We now sincerely hope the inquest will get to the truth about Sabina’s death.”


Sabina Rizvi

Evidence at the inquest is expected to be heard for two weeks, with the jury’s conclusion expected the week beginning 25 March.

The Rizvi family are represented by solicitor Anna Moore, of law firm Leigh Day and Rajiv Menon KC and Chris Williams of Garden Court Chambers and have been supported by the charity INQUEST.

Anna Moore
Court of Protection Human rights Inquests Judicial review

Anna Moore

Anna Moore is a partner in the human rights department.

News Article
Sabina Rizvi Photo
Human rights Inquests

Family marks 20 years since the death of Sabina Rizvi still awaiting an inquest

The family of Sabina Rizvi are marking 20 years since the loss of her life.  Sabina lost her life some minutes away from Bexleyheath police station, South East London, in the early hours of 20 March 2003.

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