Anna Moore
Anna Moore is a partner in the human rights department.
Anna is a partner in the human rights department and acts in a variety of matters that include representing individuals in the Court of Protection, representing families at inquests, helping individuals obtain access to health and community care, and claims under the Human Rights Act.
What the directories say
Anna is very highly thought of.
Chambers ranking 2025
Anna Moore is a pleasure to work with, being both friendly and a true professional. She is evidently very experienced and has a wealth of knowledge given how thorough she is in her work.
Legal 500 2021
What people say
- ‘Anna Moore is simply excellent. Her case preparation is exceptionally thorough and she is one of the most committed solicitors around, yet she manages to retain sufficient detachment to have good judgement. Her legal analysis and clarity of expression also make her stand out‘ - Legal 500 2021
- ‘In the area of Court of Protection health and welfare, Anna Moore is a highly competent and experienced solicitor. She brings to her work thoughtfulness and an ability to understand the detail and nuance of the case which makes her an effective litigator in this area. She is an excellent communicator with clients and families, other parties and other professionals involved in the case alike’ - Legal 500 2021
- ‘Anna Moore is excellent – very thoughtful, intelligent and with good judgement. She has a nose for a good case‘
- Anna Moore is very good at building a rapport with vulnerable adults, particularly adults with a learning disability or autism spectrum disorder. - Legal 500 2020
Legal expertise
Anna acts for individuals in matters across the health and community care sector and has experience in dealing with cases involving mental health, mental capacity, community care and public law. Anna has a particular interest in acting for people who lack capacity in proceedings in front of the Court of Protection. She is often instructed in complex matters involving important issues going to the heart of a person’s life, for example whether someone should have medical treatment, be deprived of their liberty and be able to enter into sexual relationships with others. Anna is regularly instructed by the Official Solicitor as well as family members.
Anna represents family members in inquest proceedings and has particular expertise in acting in cases involving the deaths of children or individuals who receiving treatment for mental health issues. Anna is regularly instructed in complex matters involving a number of state bodies. Anna also acts in claims for compensation arising from deaths where the state is involved.
Complementing her expertise in acting for children and adults who cannot make decisions for themselves, Anna also has expertise in bringing claims under the Human Rights Act. Anna seeks redress for children who have not been safeguarded appropriately by authorities and were subject to neglect and abuse. She also acts for people who have been unlawfully deprived of their liberty in care homes and hospitals.
- Acting for MCS, a woman who suffered a brain injury and securing her repatriation to Colombia London Borough of Lambeth v MCS & Anor [2018] EWCOP 14
- Acting for CVF in complex and long running Court of Protection proceedings about her care and support needs Essex County Council v CVF & Ors [2020] EWCOP 65
- Successfully representing a family seeking to re-open the inquest of a woman shot dead outside a police station in 2004
- Acting for the Childrens Commissioner in a Supreme Court case involving the deprivation of liberty of children in care Re T (a child) [2021] UKSC 35
- Settling a number of claims under the Human Rights Act for children who suffered abuse and mistreatment and where steps were not taken to remove them from environments where they were neglected or abused.
Anna completed her training at Bindmans LLP before qualifying as a solicitor in 2012. Before practising as a solicitor Anna worked in the South African Human Rights Commission.
News and blogs

Lawyer calls for improved safeguarding for children placed under Deprivation of Liberty orders
Leigh Day human rights lawyer Anna Moore says immediate action is needed to protect vulnerable young people who are detained under a court order, as senior Family Court Judge called the issue a “crisis”.

‘Failure to remove’ claims and Article 3: SZR v Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council [2024] EWHC 598 (QB)
Anna Moore and Sam Jacobs of Doughty Street Chambers consider ‘failure to remove’ claims in light of a recent ruling about the application of Article 3, which prohibits inhumane and degrading treatment.

Coroner raises serious concerns with Surrey County Council following Jake Baker inquest
A coroner has written to Surrey County Council and the Care Quality Commission raising concerns that a rigorous review of the circumstances that led to the death of Jake Baker has not been undertaken by the council, nor has it taken steps to avert the risk of future deaths.

Failures by Surrey County Council and Ruskin Mill Trust contributed to death of 18-year-old diabetic student Jake Baker
An inquest has concluded that neglect arising from a catalogue of failures by Surrey County Council and Ruskin Mill Trust, which runs Ruskin Mill College in Stroud, contributed to the death of 18-year-old diabetic Jake Baker of Woking, Surrey over Christmas in 2019.

Call for action to keep children like Sammy Alban-Stanley safe
The coroner who conducted the inquest into the death of 13-year-old Sammy Alban Stanley has called for action at a national and regional level to prevent similar tragedies occurring.

Gross failures and significant missed opportunities by Surrey authorities involved in the care of Oskar Nash
The inquest into the death of 14-year-old Oskar Nash from Staines has concluded that his suicide was contributed to by neglect from Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
A huge thank you for your amazing help, understanding & support during such a fraught & difficult time….Dad and I feel your help has been invaluable and we very much appreciate everything you've done for us and we owe you a debt of gratitude. You have handled my case with such humility, sensitivity, empathy & such a friendly yet professional approach
Cath, client of Anna