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Appeal for information regarding convicted former teacher, housemaster and Scout master Mark Cory

Leigh Day abuse claims lawyer is calling for witness information regarding former teacher Mark Cory who was convicted with multiple charges of child abuse in 2018.

Posted on 02 May 2024

Mark Cory, who died in 2020 aged 89, was a teacher at Rose Hill School, Gloucestershire, and a teacher and housemaster at Aberdour School, Surrey, between 1953 and 1994. In addition to his roles in education, he was also a Scout Master at the 5th Banstead Scout Troup between 1953 and 1967.

In 2018, Cory, who was from Banstead, Surrey, faced a fact-finding trial at Guildford Crown Court and was found to have committed 12 charges of child abuse by a jury; however, he was deemed physically unfit to stand trial and give evidence so no criminal punishment could be imposed.

Leigh Day abuse claims partner Dino Nocivelli, who has recently settled a claim on behalf a former Malsis school pupil for sexual abuse by a teacher, has been instructed by someone who has alleged Cory abused them through his role as his teacher in the 1990s. Due to Cory being deceased and therefore unable to answer the client’s allegations of abuse, the client will have to prove the abuse took place and that a fair trial is still possible.

Dino would be grateful if anyone with relevant information could contact him at Dnocivelli@leighday.co.uk or 020 7650 1397 as this will help his client in their legal claim.

All information will be treated on a private and confidential basis.

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Dino Nocivelli

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