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Former factory worker appeals for information following mesothelioma diagnosis

A Surrey resident who worked across Hillingdon, Buckinghamshire, and Hertfordshire in the late 60s / early 70s is appealing for former colleagues to come forward with information regarding the use of asbestos at his former places of work following his recent diagnosis with a fatal form of asbestos-related cancer.

Posted on 20 July 2023

Francis Farrugia, aged 73, of Carshalton, Surrey, believes that he may have been exposed to asbestos at one or more of the following locations:

Motorway Tyres & Accessories Ltd, a car parts manufacturer in Baldock, near Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in 1969/70. Francis worked long hours on the production line and was not provided with a mask or warned about the risks associated with asbestos.

Hayes Mill Ltd, in Hayes, Hillingdon, also in 1969/70. This was a paper mill, where Francis worked in the rolling section. He recalls it being a dusty environment and was neither provided with a mask nor warned about the dangers of asbestos.

Belle Vue Engineering in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, from 1969/70 to 1970/71. They manufactured metal frames and Francis worked as a welder. He was not provided with a mask when welding and was never warned that asbestos was dangerous.

Francis Farrugia

Francis also worked at Mars Limited, Fredericks & Pelmans (High Wycombe), T Walls and Sons Ltd (Hayes), and Corniche Video Library (Frith Street, London). However, he believes that the asbestos exposure was more like to have occurred in the three premises mentioned above.

Francis moved from Malta to the UK in 1969 to find work and currently lives in Surrey. He was diagnosed with mesothelioma in December 2022 following the development of symptoms such as shortness of breath and chest pain.

Leigh Day partner Ewan Tant said:

“Mesothelioma is a devastating disease that develops decades after initial exposure to asbestos. We are appealing for former workers at each of the above employers who can give us evidence about asbestos in the store, in particular anyone who recalls the presence of asbestos heat pipes or other asbestos materials in these places. Any relevant information would be of great value to Francis.”

If you can provide any relevant information please contact Ewan Tant at ETant@leighday.co.uk

Ewan Tant
Asbestos and mesothelioma Industrial disease

Ewan Tant

Ewan specialises in asbestos-related disease claims

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