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Family of former Pollards welder appeals for witnesses following his asbestos-related death

The family of welder David John O’Keefe, who worked at the Pollards factory in Highbury, is appealing for information from anyone who worked at the factory during the 1960s to 1980s.

Posted on 24 June 2022

David sadly died, aged 75, after developing asbestos related lung cancer and his daughter, Laura O’Keefe, believes he came into contact with asbestos while working for Pollards factory in Highbury from approximately 1960 to 1982. 

David was born in Killavullen in Cork, Ireland and emigrated to England in 1959 when he was about 14 years old, settling in Highbury in the borough of Islington, London. 

In 1960 David started working for Pollards which manufactured steel shutters, architectural metalwork, fire doors, electric lifts, and other equipment. The company also employed people for store fitting, building, and contracting work. 

David O'Keefe.

David was based at the Highbury factory most of the time but also fitted shop fronts in Manchester and Northern Ireland with other Pollards workers. 

He moved back to Cork with his daughter Laura and his wife Kathleen after finishing working for Pollards in approximately 1982. He was in good health for most of his life, and he set up a grocery shop in Cork with Kathleen. 

Laura and the Leigh Day asbestos claims team would like to hear from anyone who worked with David at Pollards or worked at the factory at a similar time and may have information regarding the factory’s use of asbestos. 

Partner and Solicitor in the Leigh Day asbestos team Vijay Ganapathy said: 

“As David’s family only found out that his cancer was related to asbestos exposure after he died, they were not able to collect any information from him specifically relating to any asbestos he may have worked with or been exposed to. They know that he worked for Pollards in Highbury for over two decades and they are keen to hear from anyone who can shed any light on the work he did there.” 

Vijay can be contacted by email at vganapathy@leighday.co.uk 

Vijay Ganapathy
Asbestos and mesothelioma Industrial disease Spinal injury

Vijay Ganapathy

Vijay is a partner who specialises in industrial disease and complex injury cases.

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