Children’s home manager raped and abused teenager
A former children’s home manager has been jailed for 17 and a half years for sex offences including rape in the 1970s and 80s in London, Yorkshire and Hull.
Posted on 11 May 2021
Paul Kenneth Lamb, aged 73, was sentenced on Friday, May 7, 2021 at Hull Crown Court after a jury found him guilty of 19 sex offences including three counts of rape and 16 of indecent assault. He had previously admitted charges relating to indecent images found on his digital device, said Humberside Police.
Lamb raped and sexually abused a teenager who looked up to him as a father figure, reports the Hull Daily Mail.
When he was a manager at the Brook Cottage children’s home in Driffield from 1984 to 1987, the teenager said he would get her drunk before abusing her. When she was 14 he would sexually assault her in her room when she pretended to be asleep, the court was told.
When the girl was 16, Lamb raped her in his flat at the children’s home and also in his family home, the court was told.
Eventually, after she told others of the abuse and others told similar stories, Lamb was suspended from his post at the children’s home.
Humberside Police said the charges were brought against Lamb as part of an investigation into offences during the 1970s in London and 1980s in North Yorkshire, Hull and East Riding.
Detective Superintendent Phil Gadd said: “I am pleased Lamb was found guilty for his sickening and incomprehensible actions against vulnerable victims and that he will now serve a very long time behind bars.
“I want to thank the victims and commend them for their bravery and perseverance throughout the long investigative process. They have displayed dignity and courage throughout this incredibly difficult time as their patience and understanding has been invaluable whilst we built a strong case against Lamb.
“They have had to carry with them the trauma of his criminal actions since their childhood.
We take all reports of sexual abuse seriously and regardless of how much time has passed, we will seek justice for those who have been affected."
Leigh Day partner Alison Millar leads the abuse team which has many years’ experience of handling non-recent sexual abuse cases. Alison said:
“It has been said that non-recent abuse investigations are problematic from an evidence and resources point of view.
“This case shows that with a thorough and committed police investigation it is possible for perpetrators to be brought to justice even where the offending took place many years ago – and that this is in the public interest, as these are appalling crimes, reflected in the lengthy sentence that Lamb has received.
“It is important to remember that for the individuals affected, as with many survivors of non-recent abuse, these cases will not be “historic”; they have to live with the ongoing trauma and consequences. I hope that for them Lamb’s conviction will be a step on the road towards obtaining some accountability and resolution.”