Site launched for reporting of COVID-19 treatment side effects
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) launched the new online reporting site this week dedicated to reporting any suspected side effects or incidents related to any treatment options connected with COVID-19.
Posted on 07 May 2020
The named Yellow Card COVID-19 reporting site aims to monitor the safety of healthcare products being used in COVID-19 treatment.
Both healthcare professionals and patients are encouraged to use the site to report any suspected side-effects from medicines, future vaccines and incidents involving medical equipment relating to COVID-19 treatment.
The MHRA says on its website that the launch of the reporting site means that there will be rapid identification of new or emerging risks connected with COVID-19 medication and treatment, which might not have been previously known about.
MHRA chief executive Dr June Raine stated:
“I encourage healthcare professionals and patients to use our new dedicated site to report problems with medical equipment, including ventilators or testing kits, as well as any suspected side effects from medicines used to combat COVID-19.”
Leigh Day product safety partner Jill Paterson commented:
“As the COVID-19 virus has spread across the world in just three months, so the response of science and technology has by necessity been urgent. It is therefore vital that the necessary safeguarding measures are equally as strong.
“It is positive to see that measures have been quickly taken to ensure that all of the new developments in medicine, treatments, tests, vaccines and ventilator equipment are being monitored by the responsible body, the MHRA.
“We encourage patients and health professionals alike to make good use of the Yellow Card COVID-19 reporting site.”
The site can be found at