2017 News
12 of 108 items displayed
Consumer green paper expected to look at simplification of small print in contracts
Consultation on improved consumer protection welcomed
Inquest finds multiple failings by Cambian Churchill Hospital in death of 25-year-old patient
An inquest into the death of 25-year-old James O'Brien, also known as Jimmy, has concluded that there were multiple failures by Cambian Churchill Hospital
Missed breast cancer diagnosis leads to compensation payout
A woman has settled her medical negligence claim against Whipps Cross Hospital
Drug driver sentenced for death of cyclist Andrew Platten
Andrew Platten was killed by a car driven by Akash Rashid, 22, who was sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment today
Lawyer who represented participants in the TGN1412 drug trial to appear in BBC documentary
Gene Matthews, a partner in the consumer law and product safety team, who acted for four participants in their legal battle for compensation will appear in the BBC's The Drug Trial, Emergency at The Hospital
Asbestos reminder as Oxford University forced to close
Asbestos deposits have been found in the Tinbergen building
Victim of contaminated NHS blood takes legal challenge to the High Court
High Court grants permission to bring judicial review proceedings in relation to the government's discretionary payment scheme for victims of contaminated NHS blood
Volkswagen continues to refuse compensation to vehicle owners outside the US
Volkswagen's European customers who have been affected by the emissions scandal continue to be denied compensation by the company, despite a settlement deal for affected US customers
Judicial review and human rights challenge launched against HM Coroner's refusal to open an inquest into the death of David Clapson
The sister of David Clapson has issued a judicial review and human rights claim in the High Court, challenging the refusal by a coroner to hold an inquest into her brother's death
Employer's duty of care case moves to Supreme Court
Harminder Bains secures Supreme Court hearing for injured Johnson Matthey workers