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Scandal of the next century

Sexual violence and sexual harassment between children is a serious public health and human rights issue.

Thursday 12 May 2022
10:00 - 13:00

In June 2021, after thousands of young people had disclosed the prevalence of “rape culture” through the website Everyone’s Invited, Ofsted published a rapid review of sexual abuse in schools and colleges. This found that harmful sexual behaviours such as some forms of sexual harassment and online sexual abuse have become so ‘commonplace’ that children and young people consider them normal and don’t see the point in reporting them.

MP Maria Miller - Chair of the Commons Women and Equalities Select Committee when they published a landmark report in 2016 exposing sexual harassment, abuse and violence in England’s schools - commented that this was a “massive safeguarding failure by Ofsted”.

But is singling out institutions in the schools’ inspection framework the answer to this complex problem? And what can be done by educators and others working with young people to promote equality and respect?

Freedom From Abuse and Leigh Day present a conference that looks in depth at these issues with contributions from leading experts in education leadership, violence prevention, law, and safeguarding, and a presentation from Dr Gail Dines on the impact of porn on teen sexuality.


Marilyn Hawes - Founder of Freedom from Abuse 
Marilyn’s three sons were sexually abused by her friend who was her boss and their head teacher. She campaigns for better outcomes and real prevention of child abuse. 

Alison Millar - Leigh Day Partner 
Alison Millar is a Partner and Head of the Abuse Claims team at Leigh Day solicitors, specialising in civil cases for abuse and neglect of children and vulnerable adults. She has given evidence to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) and is a regular commentator in the media and on social media on child protection issues. 

James Wilding - Academic Principal Clares Court 
James Wilding is the Academic Principal and chair of the inspection committee ISA. Headteacher since 1981, James has been an Executive councillor and trustee of the Independent Schools Association since 1990, for whom he currently serves as the chair of their inspections committee.

Andrew Hampton - Founder of Girls on Board 
Andrew Hampton was a Headteacher for 18 years, winning prizes and plaudits both for his school and the approach he developed for helping girls with the existential imperatives they have around friendship. Andrew is now writing a book, to be published by Routledge later this year, entitled ‘Working with Boys, creating cultures of mutual respect in schools’. 

Deputy Chief Constable Maggie Blythe 
Maggie was appointed as the National Policing Lead for Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) in October 2021. She has specialist knowledge of public protection having worked in the Probation Service, establishing the first County Youth Offending Service, then later sitting as an independent chair of both Hampshire and Oxfordshire Local Safeguarding Children Boards. In 2016 Maggie joined policing as a superintendent and then ACC local policing prior to her current appointment. 

Louise Barraclough - Specialist Safeguarding Nurse 
An exploratory study into the potential relationship between easily available online adult pornography and Harmful Sexual Behaviour (HSB) in children and young people. Louise Barraclough, Specialist Safeguarding Nurse, Devon & Cornwall Paediatric Sexual Assault Referral Centre. 

Andrew Lord - Leigh Day Solicitor 
Andrew is a solicitor at Leigh Day representing survivors of abuse, and in recent years this has included several cases involving peer-on-peer abuse. Andrew was identified as a rising star in the 2022 edition of Legal 500 and was The Times ‘Lawyer of the Week’ in September 2021. 

Dr. Gail Dines - Professor Emerita of Sociology, Wheelock College and CEO Culture Reframed 
Dr. Gail Dines, a Professor Emerita of Sociology, has been researching and writing about the porn industry for well over thirty years. She is a recipient of the Myers Center Award for the Study of Human Rights in North America, and author of numerous books and articles. Her latest is called book, Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality. 

Graham Goulden - Violence Prevention and Leadership trainer 
Graham Goulden is a retired police officer of 30 years’ service, including eight years in the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit (VRU). With the VRU he harnessed the power of the active bystander developing school-based programmes to help reduce violence in Scotland. There he led the development of the Mentors. 

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Alison Millar
Abuse claims Human rights

Alison Millar

Alison Millar works in the human rights department at Leigh Day, where she is the head of abuse claims

Andrew Lord
Abuse claims Human rights

Andrew Lord

Andrew Lord is a senior associate solicitor in the abuse claims team.

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