Sanja Strkljevic
Sanja specialises exclusively in medical negligence claims
Sanja deals with a wide range of cases involving medical care provided to patients at NHS and private hospitals, by private doctors and GPs, resulting in serious injury or death. Sanja brings claims on behalf of adults, children and bereaved families.
Sanja has a particular interest in obstetrics and gynaecology and issues affecting women's health. She has significant experience of acting for women who have been injured during childbirth and who have suffered perineal tears (3rd and 4th degree tears). She also acts for children who have sustained brain injuries at or after birth, including those who have been diagnosed with cerebral palsy and Erb's palsy Sanja represents parents who have suffered the loss of a baby because of stillbirth or neo-natal death.
Sanja has an established practice in amputation claims, upper and lower limb.
Sanja also specialises in fatal cases, and has considerable experience in bringing claims arising from the death of a loved one. She represents and supports bereaved families through the process of a Coroner’s Inquest.
Sanja Strkljevic is a standout partner at the firm – she is exceptionally bright and an excellent tactical thinker.
Legal 500 2021
Legal expertise
Examples of Sanja’s work include:
Obstetric injuries
Sanja is currently acting for a number of clients who have sustained third and fourth degree perineal tears in childbirth. This includes cases involving instrumental delivery, such as forceps, and failures to properly diagnose and repair these injuries. Sanja has successfully concluded a number of claims arising from obstetric injuries, such as:
- Obtaining six figure settlements in claims brought by women who sustained life-changing injuries during deliveries of their babies by forceps.
- Securing six figure settlement for a woman who sustained injuries in childbirth resulting in a recto-vaginal fistula.
Sanja also acts for children who have sustained brain injuries in childbirth resulting in cerebral palsy. She is experienced in working on cases under NHS Early Notification Scheme (ENS). Examples of her work include securing judgment in favour of a child who sustained a brain injury resulting in cerebral palsy during a complex delivery.
Sanja works very closely with MASIC Foundation and assists MASIC with the Helpline. Sanja is the Co-ordinator of APIL Child Injury Group.
Amputation claims
Sanja has a strong amputation practice, investigating and concluding claims arising from surgical and orthopaedic negligence, as well as failures to recognise vascular complications.
Examples of her work include:
- seven-figure settlement for a claimant who sustained a below the knee amputation after orthopaedic negligence in A&E and the orthopaedic department;
- seven-figure settlement for above the knee amputation consequent from surgical negligence;
- six-figure settlement for above the knee amputation as a consequence of failure to diagnose popliteal artery aneurysm.
Cancer claims
Sanja acts for clients who have sustained injuries as a consequence of delays in diagnosing cancer, such as:
- Settling a claim for a six-figure sum for a woman who suffered facial disfigurement after a delay in diagnosing a sarcoma.
- Securing judgment for a child for neurological injuries sustained as a consequence of the alleged negligent failure to diagnose a neuroblastoma.
Fatal accidents claims
Sanja has considerable experience representing families in inquests and litigating claims arising from death. These include:
- Seven figure settlement for the family of the deceased following heart surgery.
- Settlement for the children and grandmother of a young man who died from infective endocarditis related to an implanted pacemaker.
- Significant six-figure compensation for the children of a woman who died following negligent treatment of a haematological condition.
- Settlement of a claim brought by a family of a woman who died during her pregnancy after a negligent failure to diagnose and treat pre-eclampsia at a London Hospital.
- Obtaining compensation for the family of a young woman who died from hyponatraemia.
- Settling a number of claims arising from stillbirth or neonatal deaths.
- Obtaining compensation for the adult children of a woman who died as a result of negligent failure to diagnose and treat thyrotoxicosis.
- Securing settlement for a widow and child of a man who died as a result of negligent failure to diagnose and treat post-operative complications of bowel surgery at King’s College Hospital.
- Settling a claim for a partner of a woman who died after a negligent failure to diagnose and treat a psoas abscess at Queen’s Hospital.
Surgical claims
Sanja is an experienced practitioner in investigating and litigating surgical claims, including claims that result in a spinal injury, including cauda equina syndrome. Examples of settlements include:
- Obtaining a six figure settlement for a woman who sustained significant psychiatric injuries from her experiences of negligent failure to diagnose post-operative complications of cholecystectomy.
- Obtaining significant compensation for a man who sustained neurological injuries as a consequence of anaesthetic and surgical negligence.
Sanja in the news
- It's time to modernise the Fatal Accidents Act Solicitors Journal 19.9.l7
- Sanja was asked to speak on Al Jazeera News on 6.3.16 when she commented on questions over Ireland's compensation for symphysiotomy victims.
- The first act of a costs saga Solicitors Journal 10.8.15
Thank you very much for all the kindness, care and support you have shown me. Your advice has always been sensible, considered and honest and you have helped guide me through the whole process with relative ease. I could not have found myself in safer hands.
Client of Sanja
News and blogs

Inquest finds Mum died aged 56 of natural causes contributed to by neglect and delay in sepsis diagnosis
An inquest has concluded that there were ‘significant failures’ and missed opportunities when treating mum and grandmother Tracey Farndon, who died hours after admission to the A&E department at a Birmingham hospital.

Saving Babies’ Lives campaign: Working towards better outcomes for twin and multiple pregnancies
Leigh Day has partnered with Twins Trusts in support of its Saving Babies’ Lives campaign on 12 and 13 March 2023. Sanja Strkljevic and Ella Cornish, solicitors in the healthcare team, discuss the importance of the Twins Trust’s campaign and the complications that can arise in twin and multiple pregnancies