Damages awarded to child who lost finger in school playground
£35,000 compensation for young child injured at school
Posted on 10 March 2010
We have recently concluded a case for a young child, S, who sustained an amputation injury to his right middle finger following a playground injury.
Although the insurers took their time to admit liability, in the end this was conceded in full. Medical evidence was obtained which confirmed the need for further surgical procedures. That was funded by way of an interim payment.
Given the nature of S’s injuries it was necessary to secure a report from a prosthetic expert. This confirmed the need for and costings for a prosthesis for when S was older.
The insurers originally refused to make a sensible offer to include future prosthetic costs, making an opening offer of £6,000.
Following further discussions the matter was then compromised in the sum of £35,000. Court approval was sought.