Settlements above £10,000 flat payment for Islington Survivors Network members
Two further compensation claims on behalf of members of Islington Survivors Network have been settled by the abuse claims team at Leigh Day.
Posted on 14 March 2022
The compensation claims were brought against London Borough of Islington on behalf of two men who alleged being subjected to abuse during their childhood in care. The men, referred to as Mark and Brian to protect their identity, settled their claims against Islington Council in February.
Mark was placed in a children’s home and he was then put into a foster home where he alleged grooming, attempted sexual assault, inappropriate touching and witnessing inappropriate sexualised behaviour with an animal. His case was settled for £18,800.
Brian alleges that while he spent time at Gisburne House in care he was physically assaulted by a member of staff, which included him being pulled out of bed and dragged downstairs, before being stamped on his chest and also kicked several times. Police were called and Brian understands that the staff member was suspended. Brian also later spent time in the same foster placement as Mark, where he alleges being given gifts, attempts by the foster parent of inappropriate physical contact, and witnessing inappropriate sexual behaviour with an animal. The foster parent was also physically aggressive towards Brian after he threatened to inform social services that they were sharing a bedroom. Brian settled his case for £15,000.
The Islington Children’s Home abuse scandal has been reported upon for many years. Islington Survivors’ Network has been campaigning on behalf of its members for since 2014, and Islington Council has since announced that it will run a Support Payment Scheme for eligible care leavers. The scheme, which is due to launch in spring, will see eligible survivors receive a flat rate of £10,000, but importantly this scheme does not stop survivors from bringing separate compensation claims as a result of their experiences in care should they wish to do so.
Having received compensation above the £10,000 flat payment, Mark and Brian won’t be eligible for the support payment scheme once it has been set up.
Andrew Lord, associate solicitor in the abuse claims team at Leigh Day, represented Mark and Brian. He said:
“Both of my clients were subjected to awful abuse by people who were supposed to protect them and promote their welfare. They were vulnerable children who ought to have been protected by the local authority, and they were sadly failed. I sincerely hope that by Islington Council paying compensation, it helps them get a little further along on their road to recovery.
“Mark and Brian each received compensation above the flat rate amount of £10,000 which is payable under the incoming Support Payment Scheme set up by Islington Council. Whilst a support payment to survivors is to be welcomed, those who may be entitled to receive a greater amount of compensation as recognition for their experiences of abuse in care, should consider taking legal advice about the avenues open to them.”

Islington Survivors Network lawyers respond to Islington Borough Council Support Payment Scheme for survivors of abuse
Lawyers representing Islington Survivors Network (ISN) have given a cautious welcome to Islington Borough Council’s announcement of its Support Payment Scheme (SPS) for survivors of abuse in children’s homes.