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Leigh Day Blogs

Leigh Day is a law firm practically unique in giving legal advice solely to individuals. The firm’s experience includes fighting for human rights in this country and overseas, claims for compensation for illness and injury as well as employment rights for individuals who may have been discriminated against or not paid what they earned.

Within these teams are experts on a wide range of specific issues and whilst our news section can keep you up to date with our cases and our comments on the news, this blog is intended for longer posts, written by our experts, so that they can give their views on current topics, or those issues which they are dealing with for clients. We hope you find them interesting and that if you do you’ll share them on social media or simply with those you feel may be affected by the issues raised.

Latest blog posts

Blog Post
Polar Bear
International Environment Climate change

What does the Senior Women for Climate Protection Switzerland ruling mean for the UK?

Sakshi Rai and Meg Abbott explore the European Court of Human Rights’ landmark finding that the Swiss state had an obligation to have acted to mitigate the effects of climate change. They explore why the ruling is significant for climate change litigation, and what the implications of the ruling are for the UK.

Blog Post
Aeroplane Descending
Human rights International Carbon emissions Air pollution

KLM Judgment: The intensifying scrutiny of corporate greenwashing across Europe

Anthony Hayward, Joe Snape and Tom Short discuss the KLM (Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij) judgment and the impact on other corporations greenwashing across Europe

Blog Post
Gel Nails
Consumer law Competition law Competition and markets authority

Nail technicians given competition law warning as they navigate routes to fair pay

Niamh Kelly and Rosio Cafarelli discuss what small business owners and consumers can learn from National Nail Price Increase Day.