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Patient safety at Stafford Hospital

In March 2009, the Healthcare Commission published a horrifying report into the care and treatment being provided at Stafford Hospital. It was estimated that between 400 to 1200 people had died unnecessarily due to the “appalling” standards of care provided at the Hospital and detailed many stories of patient abuse and neglect.

Within days of this publication Leigh Day was instructed by local residents as well as Cure the NHS, the local campaigning group that had been formed by Julie Bailey after she lost her mother at Stafford Hospital, to commence legal proceedings:

  1. On behalf of individual patients and/or their relatives for negligence and/or breach of their human rights and,
  2. To challenge the refusal by the government to hold a full, public inquiry into the why things had gone so tragically wrong at the Stafford Hospital/Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust.